Network Attack and Protection
Course Title: Network Attack and Protection
Course Type: Compulsory course
Credit: 2 Total Credit Hours: 32
Students: Undergraduate students majoring in information security
Prerequisites: Computer network, Computer organization and architecture
Evaluation Method: Course participation + written exams
Course Description:
The course is aimed in cultivating in learners’ practical capacity based on their’ grasp of the basic theoretical knowledge of information security. It is characterized by its strength in practice-oriented instruction for undergraduates majoring in information security in their third or fourth year. In this course, methods and principles related to network attack and protection will be explored based on such main topics as network security situation analysis, network security threat analysis, and network attack prevention practice. At the end of this course, learners are expected to be able to understand the common security threats and attack methods in the network; master the basic concepts, theories and methods of network defense technology; identify and respond to unusual phenomenon in cyberspace.
学分: 2 总学时: 32
考核形式: 平时成绩+考试
- 赖英旭,刘思宇,杨震,刘静,叶超等(编著). 计算机病毒与防范技术(第2版). 北京:清华大学出版社,2019年12月

时间:教学周1-8周(如放假停课则顺延至第9周) 星期四第1-4节
- 第1章 网络攻击与防护课程导航 第一周四早8:00开放,第二周周一晚12:00pm系统关闭
- 第2章 网络攻击防护的基本流程 第二周四早8:00开放,第三周周一晚12:00pm系统关闭
- 第3章 病毒及其造成的网络危害 第三周四早8:00开放,第四周周一晚12:00pm系统关闭
- 第4章 木马及其造成的网络危害 第四周四早8:00开放,第五周周一晚12:00pm系统关闭
- 第5章 蠕虫及其造成的网络危害 第五周四早8:00开放,第六周周一晚12:00pm系统关闭
- 课程考核夺旗阶段检查(第五周)
- 第6章 漏洞及其造成的网络危害 第六周四早8:00开放,第七周周一晚12:00pm系统关闭止
- 第7章 数据灾备技术原理与实践 第七周四早8:00开放,第八周周一晚12:00pm系统关闭
- 附加题 – 工业互联网安全专题实验(附加题:5分)已开放,10月30日中午12点截止,之后提交成绩将不做统计。
- 课程考核夺旗阶段检查(第七周)
- 第8章 年度课程考核暨竞赛夺旗 第三周四早8:00开放,10月30日中午12:00系统关闭(firm)!